On occasion, COSLA issues statements on library related news items, legislative activities, or policy initiatives.  Statements issued by COSLA are those of the organization as an entity, and are not implicitly endorsed by COSLA's members, nor the individual member's employers.


COSLA Welcome to IMLS Interim Acting Director Keith Sonderling (PDF)
March 24

COSLA Statement on the Executive Order Impacting the IMLS (PDF)
March 16

COSLA Statement on Core Values
February 25


COSLA Announces Voices for Libraries Event for 2025 (PDF)
November 1

COSLA Elects New Board Members for 2025 (PDF)
October 31


COSLA Releases 2023-2025 Strategic Plan (PDF)
April 19


COSLA Elects New Board Members for 2023 (PDF)
October 27

COSLA Endorses Summer Meals and Learning Act of 2022 (PDF)
July 28

COSLA Calls on NTIA to Partner with State Library Agencies in the Implementation of Federal Digital Equity Act Funding (PDF)
February 9