Voices for Libraries 2025was held March 5-6, 2025 in Washington D.C.The Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA) successfully hosted, “Voices for Libraries 2025.” This event invited library advocates from every state to travel to Washington, DC to talk with legislators about the importance of libraries and to advocate for support. Who AttendedRepresentatives from all 50 states were encouraged to participate. State CaptainsEach State Library Agency (SLA) appointed a “State Captain.” This individual was responsible for coordinating attendees from their state, requesting and confirming meetings with their elected representatives, and reporting out on the meetings. The State Captain was the primary contact for each state and served as the communications conduit. The State Captain can be the Chief Officer, a State Library Agency Staffer, a representative of the State Library Association, or any library advocate who is committed to fulfilling the obligations of the role. It is intended that each State Captain ATTEND the event in DC. A roster of state captains will be added to this page. You may reach out to your state captain for more information on the event.
PrioritiesThe Voices for Libraries 2025 event focused on advancing:
Schedule of EventsTuesday, March 4, 2025COSLA Spring Meeting 2025 This full-day gathering is exclusively for the Chief Officers. The Spring Meeting is a business and general interest meeting and is not related to advocacy. Wednesday, March 5, 2025Voice for Libraries – Briefing Day The Briefing will include presentations from seasoned advocates and policy experts to ensure that everyone is prepared for their visits to the Hill. Briefing Day will include coffee and light refreshments at the start of the day, and lunch for all participants. A registration fee will be collected for the Briefing Day to offset hospitality and administrative costs. * The exact schedule for the Briefing Day program will be distributed to registrants.
Thursday, March 6, 2025Voices for Libraries – Day of Action (Hill Day) Voice for Libraries RegistrationRegistration is $89/person and is payable via credit card at the time of registration.* Travel & Lodging InfoCOSLA has secured a group room block at: Hamilton Hotel PartnersCOSLA is grateful for the partnership of the Association for Small and Rural Libraries (ARSL) and the Urban Libraries Council (ULC) Questions? |